A unique and very well arranged collection of music for voice and harp. We have played and sung all these pieces and they are compelling and so well written. Songs of love in the real world of many many years gone by. Traditional Celtic and folk, Elizabethan Shakespeare poetry, and Medieval. Songs are in the alto range. Harp parts are well edited and easy to read. Copious notes on the French pieces. 50 pages in length. Written for folk (lever) harp. There are a few lever changes, well placed and easily attained. Page samples are provided.
Ca’ the Yowes (Burns/Pagan)
My Bonny Bonny Boy, a Hampshire Folk Song
Toombalalaika, Yiddish Folk Tune
She Never Told Her Love (Shakespeare, from Twelfth Night)
Obsession (Shakespeare’s Sonnet XXVII)
Medieval Love
L’autrier avint (Richard de Fournival: 1201-1260)
Notes on L’autrier avint
Rei Glorios (Giraut de Borneil c. 1138 – 1215)
Notes on Rei Glorios
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