Fourteen interesting and accessible hymn tunes (six with flute/harmony parts) for lever or pedal harp. Tunes are in the keys of A, D, G, C and F, with less than a handful of lever changes. Harmony parts sound great on the violin, too! INTERMEDIATE, ALL HARPS.
Table of Contents:
Morning Has Broken (with flute part), Lovely Love, Were You There? (with flute part), St. Columba, Be Thou My Vision (with flute part), Oh the Beautiful Treasures, There Is A Balm in Gilead, Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed (with flute part), All Glory Praise and Honor, O Sacred Head (with flute part), Sharpthorne (with flute part), When Jesus Wept, By the Cross, Ye Banks and Ye Braes