Apologies for our absence over the holidays. Our site has moved to a different host, Green Geeks. We’ll keep you informed of some upcoming changes in the future, too. For now we have finally uploaded some new items that are new to us:
Shari Pack’s “A Bunch of Daisies Duet” (fun to think about daisies during the winter!)
Stephanie Bennett’s Ar Lan y Mor, an arrangement of a Welsh folk song for harp ensemble. And Handel’s Alla Hornpipe.
Barbara Fackler’s arrangement of What Wondrous Love, both solo and with parts. And her Ancient Dances: Siciliana and Italiana.
Bonnie Mohr’s Music Theory for the Awesome Harpist Level 1 is now available as a PDF download, (as well as paper).
Stephen Dunstone’s Rondolino ensemble.
William Mahan’s The Bridges of Paris.
Future products include a huge library of Shari Pack music, and more Stephanie Bennett titles.
John has finished the end-of-year paperwork, which includes paying all the Afghan Press Artists their royalties. Next he starts restringing pedal harps in preparation for Peter Wiley’s visit to Houston.