Very Belated Seasons Greetings to you all!
Seasons – the word brings to mind different times of life, different pictures. For many of you this is the season of white snowflakes, boots and mittens. Planting is months away and far from your mind. In Texas this is the ideal planting season. For the next couple of months the weather is mostly good for yard work. Temperatures, much of the time, are in the 70s and many times it is overcast, perfect for outdoor work. It’s the only season I like in this state and it’s a good time to be here.
We’ve taken it upon ourselves to remove non-native plants and replace them with natives. The beneficial bugs and birds are visibly appreciative. We made a commitment of 150 square feet (added to the 150 square feet carved out over the past 2 years). Our commitment then doubled with the removal of 4 Chinese tallow trees, giving us two huge areas in which to play. The native plant nursery knows us by first name.
Another seasonal thought is seasoning, as in spices. Basil, turmeric, ginger, oregano, rosemary, bay leaves, chicory root (endive), comfrey, are among the herbs still thriving from the spring planting. Catnip is reemerging, too after hiding from the summer heat.
So for me, I greet the season by digging, getting dirty enjoying new growth, and cooking with herbs from outside the front door.
Of course, there are the numerous harp jobs reminding me that it is a holiday season, and reconnecting me with wonderful musician friends that I may not have seen since last Christmas.
We hope that you have a special enjoyment this season, and wish you the best.