This book is worthy of use and enjoyment by lower intermediate players both young and not so young. These pieces are not difficult, but have great integrity both rhythmically and melodically. They tell stories and will keep the interest of the player while teaching harpistic techniques. Kathryn Cater is a gifted composer. LOWER INTERMEDIATE, ALL HARPS.
Kathryn Cater says:
“Like most families, we have a small collection of treasures: things of beauty or sentiment that we like to keep around for the joy they bring. The songs in this book have been inspired by some of my favorites. Some are home-grown and whimsical, while others are the work of professional artists. Each touches me in its own way, and I hope you will enjoy the music they have inspired.
An attempt has been made to keep lever/pedal changes between pieces to a minimum, so that the whole book can be played through, much as you would walk from painting to painting in a gallery. There are no lever/pedal changes within any of these pieces. Options have been given to make these pieces suitable for most harps of 30 strings or more. It is my hope that you will interpret each piece with your own artistic sense. Chords may be straight or rolled as it suits the piece and your playing style.”
Titles are:
Dying Tree – presented in both Gm and Am, not difficult but with some 16th note passages and a few flourishing runs. This piece is flowing and linear, and you’ll generally play one note at a time.
Morning River – presented in both Bb and C, page 2 has an important left hand which is supported by 16th notes in the RH. Page 1 is a lovely and slow melody.
Blackberry Winter – although the notes are not hard, the rhythm is challenging, but well worth the effort. Presented in both Gm and Am, this simple and almost lulling melody will stay in your memory.