In the same format as LSB I & II by Angi, and includes 44 songs in 3 formats: lead sheet (melody & chords), a lovely arrangement, and a worksheet score on which you can write out your own arrangement. There are 20 Christmas songs, plus songs for Lent, Easter, Thanksgiving, patriotic settings, and New Year’s Eve. There is a C version and an Eb version, SKU 61817.
There are minimal lever changes – in maybe 4 or 5 songs. Most of the arrangements are at a regular intermediate level, and several are upper intermediate.
Ah Holy Jesus, Alas and did My Savior Bleed, Cross of Jesus Cross of Sorrow, In the Cross of Christ I Glory, Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross, O Sacred Head Now Wounded, So Lowly Doth the Savior Rid, There is a Fountain Filled With Blood, Tis Midnight and On Olive’s Brow, Were You There, What Wondrous Love is This, When I Survey the Wondrous Cross.
Christ the Lord is Risen Today, Crown Him With Many Crowns, Low in the Grave He lay, The Strife is O’er.
Father’s Day/Patriotic:
Faith of Our Fathers, America, America the Beautiful,
Come Ye Thankful People Come, Let All Things Now Living, Now Thank We All Our God, We Gather Together,
New Years and Christmas:
Auld Lang Lyne, Angels from the Realms of Glory, Away in a Manger, Bring a Torch Jeannette Isabella, Deck the Hall, The First Noel, Good King Wenceslas, Hark the Herald Angels Sing, I Wonder as I Wander, In the Bleak Midwinter, Infant Holy Infant Lowly, Jingle Bells, Joy to the World, Lo How a Rose E’er Blooming, O Come All Ye Fithful, O Come O Come Immanuel, O Sanctissima, Silent Night, Up on the House Top, We Wish You a Merry Christmas, What Child is This.
Why are Angi’sarrangements published in the keys of C and Eb? Generally, lever harps are tuned in either the key of C or Eb. In order to play in another key (G, for example), you flip levers in each octave. This works well, but 1) it requires making lever flips between songs, and 2) it changes the sound of the strings just a bit. By having the songs in one key signature, you can transition smoothly from one song to another, and it retains the sound clarity of open strings. Plus, you don’t have to worry about flipping the wrong levers!