The paper book is spiral bound and includes lead sheets for all 40 songs, in fake book format, with 3 – 4 songs per page (I – 10 pages, II – 12 pages total), a basic-but-lovely arrangement for each for the 40 songs, a blank arrangement worksheet (with the melody line, chords, and a blank bass line) so the harpist can develop their own arrangement, and basic instructions for taking a song from lead sheet format to an arrangement (including 10 left hand patterns). The download book should be printed from your own printer, and you can print as little or as much as you need, punch, and add to your binder.
Songs are: Amazing Grace, Be Still and Know, Be Thou My Vision, Blessed Assurance, Come, Thou, Fount of Every Blessing, Day by Day, Doxology, For The Beauty of the Earth, Give Me Jesus, God Will Take Care of You, He Hideth My Soul, He Leadeth Me, Higher Ground, His Eye Is On The Sparrow, Holy, Holy, Holy, How Great Thou Art, I Love Him, In The Garden, Jesus Jesus, Jesus Loves Me, Jesus, Remember Me, Just As I Am, The King of Love, Lily Of The Valley, The Love of God, My Shepherd Will Supply My Need, Nearer My God To Thee, Precious Lord, Take My Hand, Precious Memories, Rock of Ages, Sweet By And By, Sweet Hour of Prayer, There Is A Balm In Gilead, This Is My Father’s World, Turn Your Eyes, Were You There?, What A Friend, What Wondrous Love Is This?,Whisper A Prayer, Whispering Hope.
Why are Angi’s arrangements published in the keys of C and Eb? Generally, lever harps are tuned in either the key of C or Eb. In order to play in another key (G, for example), you flip levers in each octave. This works well, but 1) it requires making lever flips between songs, and 2) it changes the sound of the strings just a bit. By having the songs in one key signature, you can transition smoothly from one song to another, and it retains the sound clarity of open strings. Plus, you don’t have to worry about flipping the wrong levers!