A collection of 30 traditional Christmas carols playable on levered or non-levered harps. Each of the arrangements (with the exception of “Hallelujah Chorus”) are presented on a single page with a corresponding lead sheet (melody line, lyrics, and chords) on the adjacent page. Suggested fingerings have been added to all of the notes for every piece. All of the selections in this book have been arranged without sharps or flats, playable on harps with a range going down to the C below Middle C. INTERMEDIATE, ALL HARPS.
Table of Contents:
Angels From The Realms Of Glory, Angels We Have Heard On High, Away In A Manger, The Babe Of Bethlehem, Bring A Torch Jeannette Isabella, Carol Of The Bagpipers, Deck The Halls, The First Nowell, God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, Good Christian Men Rejoice, Good King Wenceslas, Hallelujah Chorus, Hark! The Herald Angels Sing, He Is Born Little Infant King, The Holly And The Ivy, I Saw Three Ships, I Wonder As I Wander, Jolly Old St. Nicholas, Joy To The World, Lo How A Rose E’er Blooming, Come All Ye Faithful, Come O Come Immanuel, Oh Christmas Tree, Sanctissima, Shepherds Shake Off Your Drowsy Sleep, Silent Night, Unto Us Is Born A Son, The Wassail Song, We Three Kings Of Orient Are, What You Gonna Call Yo’ Pretty Little Baby?