An excellent collection of traditional and medieval carols from Austria, Czechoslovakia, England, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Puerto Rico, Sicily, Spain, and the Ukraine. Included are Christmas favorites as well as pieces never before arranged for harp. These elegant arrangements are for the intermediate level player. About half of the pieces are written in the key of G; most of the others are in C; three are in B flat and two are written in the keys of F and D. Most pieces do not change key. Where key changes occur both pedal and lever harp markings are clearly indicated and some fingerings are also noted. The book contains a valuable history of the Christmas carol and song lyrics at the back. 26 pieces, 83 pages, spiral bound. Also available as a PDF download.
What is that Fragrance? ———– Traditional French
The Icy December————— Traditional Catalonian
This Endris Night*————— 15th Century English
The Twilight Is Falling———– Traditional Austrian
Masters in This Hall————– Traditional French
On Christmas Night————– Traditional English
Away in a Manger————— J.E. Clark’s Tune, “St. Kildare”
Come, Hear the Wonderful Tidings*— Traditional Bohemian-Czech
The Sleep of the Infant Jesus——- Traditional French
Only a Manger—————— Traditional Polish
In the Bleak Midwinter———— Gustav Holst
As Lately We Watched———— 19th Century Austrian
While By My Sheep*————- 19th Century German
The Holy Child (Lever Harp)*——- Traditional Puerto Rican
The Holy Child (Pedal Harp)——- Traditional Puerto Rican
Lullaby, Jesus—————— Traditional Polish
Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day- Traditional English
In Midnight’s Silence————- Traditional Polish
Silent Night——————- Franz Gruber
Shepherds Came to Bethlehem——- Traditional Polish
Once in Royal David’s City——– Henry John Gauntlett
Carol of the Bagpipers———— Traditional Sicilian
Let Us Celebrate the Birth——— 15th Century French
O Star O’er Bethlehem Shining—– Traditional Polish
Carol of the Birds*————— 16th Century French
Carol of the Bells*—————- Traditional Ukranian