This series of excellent teaching materials provide all the aspects of harp lessons that young students need. Each volume is divided into “Work-Outs” for technique and position, “Games and Drills” which are theory lessons, and “Solo Rounds” which are fun solos. “Marathons” at the end of each book review of all the material, and include a certificate of completion. These are fun books with pictures of bears throughout. For lever or pedal harp students. At the end of Stage 4, the student will be at the level of the many fine books of etudes, studies, and compositions already in existence in the harp repertoire. 79 pages. INTERMEDIATE LEVER OR PEDAL HARP
Table of Contents:
Workouts, Games and Drills, Solos: Sonatina, Ar Hyd y Nos, Valse Isabel, Theme and Variations, Variations on “God Save the King”, Etude in F Major, Sonatina, Waltz of the Flowers Cadenza, Perpetual Motion, Marathon workouts, games and drills, and solo rounds
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