Celebrated harp soloist and Telarc recording artist Yolanda Kondonassis has written a detailed and comprehensive treatise for harp players that will be a great boon to harpists at all levels of performance accomplishment. Kondonassis has divided her book into three broad sections. Part I: On Building the Foundation, covers all the basic techniques and issues involved in playing the harp from elbow, hand, wrist and finger positions to the art of practicing, pedal technique and special effects possible on the harp. Part II: On Strengthening and Conditioning, features exercises and etudes for strengthening the individual fingers, facility of pedal use, scales, arpeggios and much more. Part III: On Warming Up, has recommended stretching exercises for harpists and warm-ups designed for beginning, intermediate and advanced harpists. Throughout the book, there are photographs that demonstrate proper hand positions and copious musical examples. This book is an A to Z compendium of material for developing the multifaceted art of playing harp in the Salzedo tradition. EASY TO ADVANCED LEVER OR PEDAL HARP.
Now in its Second Edition – just under 150 pages!