For devotional chanting, inspired by John Philip Newell’s “Sound of the Eternal: A Celtic Psalter” From Wikipedia: A psalter is a volume containing the Book of Psalms often with other devotional material bound in as well, such as a liturgical calendar and litany of the Saints.
The benefits of the practice of chanting, the repetitious singing of sacred texts, can include a calm mind, a relaxed body and a joyful spirit! If our heart is in it, chanting creates communion with the mystery of the Divine. The repetition in changing practice reflects the repetition in breathing, in the sunrise and in the seasons. It is hoped the simplicity of the chants makes them easy to memorize, so they may be recalled in challenging moments, to be sung out loud or silently within the heart.
2 chants for each day of the week, morning and evening.
Psalms 62:5, 85:8, 27:1, 26:8, 96:6
Wisdom 11:24, 16:13-14
Isaiah 48:6, 51:3, 58:11. 6:3, 44: 6 & 8, 54:10, 52:1
The cover of this PDF download is an after market creation. The original small sized pamphlets sold out several years ago. This PDF contains 14 short chants for voice with harp (or keyboard) accompaniment.