For intermediate and beginning harpists, pedal or lever. Well-arranged, uses some tympanic sounds, simple to moderate arpeggios and some octave melodies in the right hand. Lev Tahor, Esa Enai, Ata Honen, Adon Olam, Al Tira, Evenou Shalom Alehem, Nigun, Artza Alinou, Leha Dodi, Eli Ata, Yismehou Hachamayim, Yedid Nefesh, Vehaer Enenou. BEGINING TO INTERMEDIATE, ALL HARPS.
Table of Contents:
Lev Tahor, Esa Enai, Ata Honen, Adon Olam, Al Tira, Evenou Shalom Alehem, Nigun, Artza Alinou, Leha Dodi, Eli Ata, Yismehou Hachamayim, Yedid Nefesh, Vehaer Enenou.