Before reading the full description, please know that Angi creates all her music in the keys of C and Eb. Here is her explanation:
Why are my arrangements published in the keys of C and Eb? Generally, lever harps are tuned in either the key of C or Eb. In order to play in another key (G, for example), you flip levers in each octave. This works well, but 1) it requires making lever flips between songs, and 2) it changes the sound of the strings just a bit. By having the songs in one key signature, you can transition smoothly from one song to another, and it retains the sound clarity of open strings. Plus, you don’t have to worry about flipping the wrong levers!
About this book: Angi has created a guidebook for harpists who play for weddings which includes very playable lever harp arrangements of 18 wedding classics and hymns, instructions for setting up a Wedding Notebook, a template for a Wedding Notes Card to keep track of each wedding’s details, lists of wedding-appropriate music (arrangements by Angi Bemiss & many others), a “Gig Bag List.” You can take this book and put it into a 3-ring binder, change the order, add to it. It’s great. The pieces included are: Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee/Hymn of Joy, Praeludium from the Well-Tempered Clavier, Andante from Sonata in A, Sheep May Safely Graze, Arioso, Shepherd Medley, Bridal Chorus, The King of Love My Shepherd Is, Canon in D, My Shepherd Will Supply My Need, Clair de Lune Excerpts (this one is great – it’s easy yet still sounds like the real thing), Trumpet Tune, Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing, Trumpet Voluntary, For the Beauty of the Earth, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, Great Is Thy Faithfulness, Wedding March, Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring. [Note from Mary: I revisited this collection after spending time with my own personal gig books, collected over the past 33 years. Angi has made it very easy for today’s gigging harpists who want an organized and lightweight gig book. Hooray for Angi’s efforts!]