Written explanations and plenty of songs help you play right away. Introduces symbols used in harp music, the basics of note reading, and fingering. Plenty of songs included, and a section on harp care and replacing strings. For self-teaching or as a supplement to the books the teacher has chosen. EASY, ALL HARPS.
Table of Contents: All Things Come of Thee O Lord (Beethoven), Aura Lee, Billy Boy, Bless Thou the Gifts (Robert Schumann), Blow the Man Down C and G, Caring for your harp, Cobbler Cobbler, Cradle Song (Brahms) Drink to Me Only, Every Day Exercise, Glossary of 3rds, Holding the Harp, Jacob’s Ladder, Jelly Fish, Kum Ba Ya, Let’s Get Started, Little Teapot, Long Long Ago, Russi Minuet (Paderewski), Ninth Symphony (Beethoven), On the Bridge, One Clef Right, Left Right Scale, Shopping Affair, Carmen Goodwin, Sleep Baby Sleep, Strawberry Roan, Swing Low Sweet Chariot, The Animal Fair, Third Degree, This Old Man, Three, Two, One, Up and Down, What Shall We Do, Whole and Half.
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