In addition to making use of the chromatic capabilities of the cross-strung harp, most of these arrangements are jazzed up versions of traditional tunes, re-harmonized for a fun change of pace. Included is a Bach Gavotte, with the original version on the first page and the jazzy one on the second page. Bach purists are welcome to play just page one… Those who would enjoy a modernized “twist” on the piece can proceed to page two! Labyrinth can be played as a harp solo as it is recorded it on The Hidden Pool, or as a harp accompaniment to voice as it is recorded on Persephone’s Art, or with a melody instrument. 28 pages.
Contains: Amazing Grace, Down By the Salley Gardens, The First Noel, Gavotte I (from Bach Cello Suites) It Came Upon a Midnight Clear, Labyrinth, Morrison’s Jig, Oh Shenandoah, The Riddle Song, and What Wondrous Love.