PEDAL HARP INTERMEDIATE – Bochsa Revisited 40 Easy Etudes, Op. 318 [Volume 1 Etudes 1-20]
Volume 1: Etudes 1 through 20 with an additional 20 Etude Variations that expand on the original etudes.
by Carl Swanson
Co-edited by Judith Ross
Bochsa’s 40 easy etudes have been the backbone of harp technique since they were written nearly 200 years ago. Editor Carl Swanson has combined these wonderful etudes with variations, pedal changes and technical tips in what is sure to be a fundamental resource for learning and refining harp technique.
The etudes are engraved on 2 pages instead of one making them much easier to read.
Pedal changes are printed in large letters that are easy to see.
Variations with each etude expand upon original technical material
Includes explanations of effective practice techniques
Describes each etude and variation, drawing out each lesson (this is a very effective tool for both teacher and student)
FIngering suggestions
92 pages