08/24 Gulf Coast Harpers Newsletter

August 2024

Past Happenings and Catching Up

Your organization, The Gulf Coast Harpers, has been very active this summer. May 30-June 2, 2024 we financially supported the Gulf Coast Cruinniu’s harp teacher, Eileen Gannon (pictured).  Eileen is a wonderful performer and teacher. Next year we hope to increase publicity to attract more students from the Gulf Coast and beyond and we’d like your ideas on how to let more people know. Let’s get the word out and embrace the opportunity to learn from a great teacher. Harpists and harpers of all ages benefit from this gathering. For more information about the Gulf Coast Cruinniu, please see: https://gulfcoastirish.org/ The 2025 dates have not yet been set.

We are proud sponsors and administers of 4 scholarships that memorialize and honor individuals who have given so much to the harp world: Cynthia Cooper (recipient Julianna Jordan), Louise Trotter (recipient Felicity Sun), Karen McGarrett, (recipient Avery Frier) and John Gill (recipient Roxanne Rawls.)

Business news: Sue Pickus, a professional accountant and bookkeeper and new owner of Melody’s with husband Nick, has stepped up to take Mary Radspinner’s place as treasurer. Mary will continue to send out newsletters, update the website and monitor the FB page.

 The Gulf Coast Harpers is a unique organization whose mission statement is to nurture students. We offer 3 full scholarships to the Houston Summer Harp Festival, and one additional scholarship for students who may need help with rental or supplies such as print music or a music stand. We are proud to feature the scholarship recipients in this newsletter and their notes of appreciation.

Juliana Jordan, recipient of the Cynthia Cooper Memorial Scholarship.

Felicity Sun, recipient of the Louise Trotter Memorial Scholarship.

Avery Frier, recipient of the Karen McGarrett Memorial Scholarship.

Roxanne Rawls, recipient of the John Gill Memorial Scholarship in combination with a donation from Harp Essence, one of Dallas’ fine professional harp ensembles.

It’s almost September 1 – time to renew your membership! The Gulf Coast Harpers Association relies on memberships and fundraisers to continue their support of student harpists in Texas. Membership is $15 for the year which runs September through August. To Join click HERE, or to donate, please see our donation page. Download our Membership Application

The Gulf Coast Harpers Association sponsors 4 harp circles per year at at Emerson Unitarian.   We arrive at 1 – 1:30 to unload and tune, we start playing at 2p unless there is a program, which starts at 2pm. We play together after the program. Harp Circles remaining for 2024:

September 21, 2024 at 1:30  featuring scholarship recipients TBA
November 16, 2024 at 1:30 featuring scholarship recipients TBA

Downloadable Product Information

Here at Melody’s we offer a wide array of music books and accessories.  In the music book category, you may have a choice between PDFs (or MP3s) and paper books. If there is a choice, you are required to click either the paper version or PDF version before you can put an item into your cart. There should be no shipping charge for download music.  If there are physical products in your cart at the same time, your total will reflect shipping for those physical items.

Products that are download only will have a narrow blue banner toward the top of the description.   Products that are only available as physical/paper will not have a choice for you to make in order to add to your cart, nor will they have the narrow blue banner signifying download only.

After you check out, you are directed back to your receipt where you can download your music. Also, you will receive an email thanking you for your order with links that will take you to your downloads. Please add melodytradmusic@gmail.com to your approved e-mail list. If you do not receive an e-mail within a few minutes after you place your order, check your spam folder.

If you created an account with us, you can also find your downloads by going to “My Account” and clicking on the “Downloads” link.  We highly recommend that you create an account so that you can refer to your order history whenever you want.

Depending on your computer settings, when you click on your download link, 1 –  it may open automatically, 2 – it may go into your “downloads” folder, or 3 – your computer may prompt you to “save as”. 

If you have a problem with your downloads, please contact us at MelodyTradMusic@gmail.com  for assistance. Because our website contains so many titles, on occasion we have overlooked uploading a PDF here or there.  When you notify us of this, we make the correction immediately.  Please note that downloads are not “returnable.”


Depending on your computer settings, when you click on your download link, 1 –  it may open automatically, 2 – it may go into your “downloads” folder, or 3 – your computer may prompt you to “save as”.  If you can’t find your PDF, look in your “downloads” folder first.  The title of the PDF may not match the title of the book, so you may want to change the title to what you will remember. After you have located your download, please either remember that it is in your “downloads” folder, or better yet, move it to another folder on your computer with a name that you will remember.

Your respect of the copyright laws will help support the musicians and arrangers who created this music, and will encourage more harp music to be produced in the future. Please do not make multiple copies to pass on to others. You can help keep downloadable harp music viable and available by encouraging your students, friends, and relatives to purchase their own copies. Thank you for your assistance in this endeavor.


On our website, folkharp.com, we offer a wide selection of paper and download music. We were always in a quandary about publications having several parts, or that include sound files. After realizing that we can place multiple files into one folder and “zip” it up, we are now able to offer book + cd options.

What we do: sound files and the PDF book are placed into a folder and zipped. The zipped folder is inserted into the product on the back end of the web site.

What you receive: after you purchase, you receive a zipped folder. This is a folder that literally has a picture of a zipper on it, indicating there is more than one document in the folder.

What you do with it: Generally by double clicking on the folder, it automatically opens up. The challenge lies in whether or not you have a program that unzips these folders. If you do, it is as simple as double clicking and the contents are revealed. Alternately, you can right click on the folder, which brings up choices, one of which is “open with” – you then click on your unzip program.

If you don’t have a program to unzip your files you’ll have a challenge! Recently I bought a small laptop for my zoom lessons. This laptop did not come with winzip, or any other kind of program that unzips these folders. The computer kept wanting me to purchase winzip for $29.  I found another program that does a great job, and it is free. 7-zip unzips all my compressed (zipped) folders! It is open source and you can find out more here:https://www.7-zip.org/

We hope all this information is helpful to you.

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