August 2024 Past Happenings and Catching Up Your organization, The Gulf Coast Harpers, has been very active this summer. May 30-June 2, 2024 we financially supported the Gulf Coast Cruinniu’s harp teacher, Eileen Gannon (pictured). Eileen is a wonderful performer and teacher. Next year we hope to increase publicity to attract more students from the Gulf Coast and beyond and we’d like your ideas on how to let more people know. Let’s get the word out and embrace the opportunity to learn from a great teacher. Harpists and harpers of all ages benefit from this gathering. For more information about the Gulf Coast Cruinniu, please see: The 2025 dates have not yet been set. We are proud sponsors and administers of 4 scholarships that memorialize and honor individuals who have given so much to the harp world: Cynthia Cooper (recipient Julianna Jordan), Louise Trotter (recipient Felicity Sun), Karen McGarrett, (recipient Avery Frier) and John Gill (recipient Roxanne Rawls.) Business news: Sue Pickus, a professional accountant and bookkeeper and new owner of Melody’s with husband Nick, has stepped up to take Mary Radspinner’s place as treasurer. Mary will continue to send out newsletters, update the website and monitor the FB page. |
The Gulf Coast Harpers is a unique organization whose mission statement is to nurture students. We offer 3 full scholarships to the Houston Summer Harp Festival, and one additional scholarship for students who may need help with rental or supplies such as print music or a music stand. We are proud to feature the scholarship recipients in this newsletter and their notes of appreciation.
Juliana Jordan, recipient of the Cynthia Cooper Memorial Scholarship.
Felicity Sun, recipient of the Louise Trotter Memorial Scholarship.
Avery Frier, recipient of the Karen McGarrett Memorial Scholarship.
Roxanne Rawls, recipient of the John Gill Memorial Scholarship in combination with a donation from Harp Essence, one of Dallas’ fine professional harp ensembles.
It’s almost September 1 – time to renew your membership! The Gulf Coast Harpers Association relies on memberships and fundraisers to continue their support of student harpists in Texas. Membership is $15 for the year which runs September through August. To Join click HERE, or to donate, please see our donation page. Download our Membership Application
The Gulf Coast Harpers Association sponsors 4 harp circles per year at at Emerson Unitarian. We arrive at 1 – 1:30 to unload and tune, we start playing at 2p unless there is a program, which starts at 2pm. We play together after the program. Harp Circles remaining for 2024:
November 16, 2024 at 1:30 featuring scholarship recipients TBA