State Anthem of Ukraine

United Help Ukraine

Ukraine Fundraiser

Free arrangement of Ukraine State Anthem

by Anna Thormahlen Jenkins

Anna Thormahlen Jenkins has arranged the State Anthem of Ukraine for Lever Harp. She has graciously offered it at no charge, with a link to “United Help Ukraine” for those wishing to make a donation. Anna is pictured below with harpist and artist Linda Khandro, who created the cover. Please continue to scroll in order to download the State Anthem of Ukraine.

United Help Ukraine
Photo of Anna Jenkins and a Ukrainian artist with a folk harp

A few words on this project… (from Anna)

On February 24, 2022, Russia invaded the sovereign state of Ukraine. In the weeks that followed, the world watched as cities were stormed by Russian forces, innocent civilians were targeted and killed, and millions of Ukrainians fled and became refugees throughout Europe. The largest military attack on a European state since World War II has left us horrified and shaken. We have seen news reports showing acts of great courage by the Ukrainians; men of all ages and occupations taking up arms to defend their country and a young president becoming, overnight, a fearless leader. And we have seen great acts of compassion and kindness by those who have come to their aid.

As we watch this tragedy unfold, we feel helpless and want to do something to show support for the Ukrainian people. Music is our language, and everywhere we hear this mighty song, “State Anthem of Ukraine.” Composed over one hundred years ago, it is now being played in solidarity by orchestras around the world, sung by choirs, played by folk musicians, and even performed a cappella in the streets of Lviv by their own opera singers.

So here is my arrangement for lever harp in support of Ukraine’s freedom. I have tried to make it easily playable while preserving its deep emotion in the rhythm, melody and harmony. My friend Linda Khandro, also a Seattle harp player, allowed me to use her inspired art work on the cover. She describes it this way: “With this appalling invasion of Ukraine, a small watercolor painting suddenly emerged, upside down per the colors of the flag, as it happened; but also, as it happened, with a hopeful title: “Ukraine’s Sun, Rising.”

To close, here are a few more of Linda’s lovely words: “Dear Ukraine, we make our small offerings here and hold you in our minds and hearts, music and art. And fervently wish we could do so much more.”

Please click on the image to the left.  It will take you to where you can make your donation.

State Anthem of Ukraine by Jenkins Cover at

Your download consists of the cover, words translated to English, the above verbiage written by Anna, and the 2-page arrangement. If you have friends interested in this arrangement, please send them to this page so that donations can be made. To download, click below on “State Anthem Ukraine arr. Jenkins”

State Anthem Ukraine arr. Jenkins


See all music by Anna Thormahlen Jenkins HERE

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On our website,, we offer a wide selection of paper and download music. We were always in a quandary about publications having several parts, or that include sound files. After realizing that we can place multiple files into one folder and “zip” it up, we are now able to offer book + cd options.

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If you don’t have a program to unzip your files you’ll have a challenge! Recently I bought a small laptop for my zoom lessons. This laptop did not come with winzip, or any other kind of program that unzips these folders. The computer kept wanting me to purchase winzip for $29.  I found another program that does a great job, and it is free. 7-zip unzips all my compressed (zipped) folders! It is open source and you can find out more here:

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