A touching song that can be used in church and other Christmas gatherings. James Taylor did a great cover of this tender ballad . Right hand generally plays single notes lyrically, and left hand contains lots of parallel 5ths, either played as a block interval or broken. There are a few ascending 4-note left hand arpeggios. LOWER INTERMEDIATE, ALL HARPS.
Arrangements by Angi Bemiss are easy to read, easy to play and well loved by many harpists and harpers.
The single arrangements are presented in the keys of C and Eb. You receive both keys. This is to accommodate lever harps tuned in either C or Eb.
Angi’s arrangements are intermediate or lower intermediate, and they are sight-readable by advanced harpists and some are sight-readable by intermediate harpists. Despite their simplicity they sound full. The melody is clear, and the harmonies are accurate and supportive of the beautiful melodies Angi chooses to arrange.
These selections are very usable by harpists for many different types of occasions, including background music, weddings, funerals, meditations, sacred services, hospital and hospice work. We highly recommend all of the music arranged by Angi Bemiss.
To see all of the music of Angi Bemiss on our web site, please type BEMISS into the search engine, top right. A long list will generate, including her singles, spiral bound books, and KISS wedding collection.