Ten short and easy pieces perfect for students and background music. Assez allant is in 3/4, key of C with a moving right hand with left hand playing all quarter notes and half notes. Modere is in 4/4, key of Am with the left hand playing a stepping eighth-note pattern while the right hand plays half notes. This pattern is reversed the last 4 measures. Un peu lent is in 6/8, key of Em with the left hand predominantly playing dotted quarters while the right hand plays eighths and dotted quarters. Gaiment is in cut time, key of F with the right hand predominantly playing rolled whole notes while the left hand has a repeated pattern. Moderement lent is in 4/4, key of Gm. This one is a little trickier with varying rhythm patterns throughout. Bien allant is in 3/4, key of D with the right hand all eighth notes while the left hand plays dotted notes. Moderement vif is in 4/4, key of Am with the right hand playing intervals of 5ths, 6ths, and octaves. Lent is in 3/4, key of Dm with rolled chords. Pas trop vite is in 6/8, key of G, 16th note scales and arpeggios. Vif et gai is in 2/4, key of F with large intervals, tied notes, eighth note pattern in left hand. LOWER INTERMEDIATE, ALL HARPS.