Mohr Adventures on the Harp begins where Colorful Adventures on the Harp ends.
Book II has a variety of 28 musical selections, spanning the Renaissance to newly composed pieces that include: dance music, classical composers (Bach, Handel, Pachelbell, etc.) traditional tunes, and new music by Mahan, Loose, and Mohr. These songs, etudes, scales, and chord exercised progress through the keys of C, G, D, and F as well as relative minors. Also included is a pentatonic section that includes the song Jasmine.
The table of contents is one of the sample images. There are new tunes, old tunes and folk tunes. Also a very easy version of William Mahan’s “Windows of Paris”
All the music is suitable for lever harp or pedal harp. 84 pages.
Now available as a PDF download as well as paper. You will be asked to make a choice before putting in your cart.