EASY TO ADVANCED, ALL HARPS. First in a series of three books. Dr. Ortiz has compiled the most beautiful and rhythmic of melodies from Latin sources, as well as other countries.
(English / Español) • 64 pages • (See “MUSIC DOWNLOADS of EASY PIECES”) • Habanera Gris, The Harp Cha-cha-cha, Cumbia deliciosa, Danza de Luzma (Easy & advanced), Noche de Fiesta, Paisaje, Waiting, Merengue Rojo, The Famous Traveling Melodies “in Latin styles”: London Bridge, Yankee Doodle, Ode to Joy; the easy version of PÁJARO CAMPANA (The Bell Bird), La Cucaracha, Las Mañanitas, Mulher Rendeira (Woman Weaver), A Waltz for Dreaming (3 versions), Canto del pilón, Nuestros Sueños (Our Dreams), Habanera Rosa, Llano (easy version), Zamba para un día de lluvia (Zamba for a Rainy Day), Arroz con leche, Duérmete mi niño.
This book used to have a companion CD as an optional additional purchase. We phased out physical CDs around 2010. However, this book does have the option of the CD as mp3 sound files. These sound files can be purchased as a download. You will receive a zip folder in which multiple sound (mp3) files reside, should you decide to purchase that option.