We had ordered this publication from the arranger and just a couple days after they arrived here at the store we received an e-mail from Carolyn Ancell thus (what a coincidence!)
“We are currently in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia; and spent the day yesterday at the Celtic Music Centre in Judique where I picked up a wonderful book you might want to look at (unless you already know it): A CAPE BRETON BOUQUET; Melodies from Cape Breton Island Arranged for Lever Harp by Brenda Bowen Cox. Sweet “old Scottish” harp music. At times rhythmically challenging; but the beauty of the pieces are making me feel it is worth the effort. —-Carolyn Ancell”
The Bridgeport Reel
David Bradley Beaton’s Jig
The Lime Hill Strathspey
The Rosebuf of Allenvale
Goose Cove
Cape Breton Favourite
Memories of Father Charles MacDonald/Glencoe March/The Laddie with the Pladdie/The Spey in Spate (Ceilidh Set)