Subtitled: Trois Pieces pour Petite ou Grande Harpe, this suite is of intermediate difficulty.
- Vivement is in 4 and incorporates rolled chords and sixteenth notes in the right hand against quarter notes in the left hand. Key of F, three pages.
- Lentement is in G minor and contains some tricky rhythmic passages where counting is a must. In 3/2 time, this piece contains mostly whole notes in the left hand, while the right hand incorporates many rests and 16th notes. 2 pages.
- Movement three, also Vivement, is in D minor. The right hand is mostly 16th notes against quarters in the left hand. Parallel 3rds and 6th throughout. 2/4 changing to ¾ then back to 2/4. 2 pages.
This would be a very fun set for the advanced harpist to sight-read, and a lovely work for recital or enjoyment for the intermediate harpist. There are no accidentals. The title may mean “amaranth”, the protein and fiber-rich grain. (or not.) INTERMEDIATE TO ADVANCED, ALL HARPS.