Music designed for use at baby showers, to quiet and calm little ones (and big ones, too!), and for general use as background music or to provide reflection and peaceful moments. Rocka-a-Bye, Baby is in the key of G, no accidentals. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star was written with a 23-string harp size in mind. Key of D, nice rolled chords and grace notes on verse three, one thumb slide at the end. Hush Little Baby, Don’t You Cry has a lovely moving bass line and some thumb slides. There is one key change from D to G which Claudia slickly accomplishes with a fermata (hold) transition, giving plenty of time for lever flipping. You Are My Sunshine is a happy tune, not very difficult, but has a few quick lever flips from G to G# and back occuring three times. Brahms’ Lullaby is also suitable for small harp, as well as playable on big ones. Key of D, placement guides, fingerings included. Prayer from Hansel and Gretel has several quick accidentals, might work better on pedal harp but not impossible on lever. Beautiful chords, nice moving bass line, repeat of melody is taken up an octave. Pretty Baby has a jaunty dotted eighth followed by sixteenth rhythm in right hand. Introduction and ending all have glissandos. Best played as written on pedal harp because of quick accidental changes. Can be modified for lever harp. INTERMEDIATE, ALL HARPS.
Contains: Rock-s-Bye, Baby, Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, Hush Little Baby, Don’t You Cry, You Are My Sunshine, Brahms’ Lullaby, Prayer from Hansel and Gretel, Pretty Baby.