Eighteen Scottish melodies arranged for solo harp. Lyrics are included, on pages separate from the harp music. These beautiful songs are in the keys of C, G, and D, with a couple in F. The slower tempos typical of ballads and aires allow these arrangements to be played by most harpists without considerable difficulty, although the left hand does stay busy. 61 pages. INTERMEDIATE, ALL HARPS.
Table of Contents:
Are ye sleepin’ Maggie?, Auld Lang Syne (two versions), Barbara Allan, Baloo Baleerie, The Blue Bells of Scotland, Blythe blythe and merry was she, Flow Gently Sweet Afton (two versions), Green Grow the Rashes O!, Highland Mary, I’m a’doun for lack o’Johnnie, John Anderson My Jo, Johnny Faa, Logan Water, O My Love Is Like a Red Red Rose, Robin Adair, Roslin Castle, Will Ye Go to Flanders, Ye Banks and Braes.