Harp Song – The Golden Thread

INTERMEDIATE, ALL HARPS.  An interesting book with many great titles and marvelous history which will be great fodder for your introductions of the tunes.


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An interesting book with many great titles and marvelous history which will be great fodder for your introductions of the tunes.  With a few changes here and there you can make these arrangements your own. Chord changes are included. I would purchase this book for the repertoire (for example, it contains the very beautiful Da Slockit Light and even has a harmony part for it), and for the short history lesson that precedes many of the tunes. I would change around the notes here and there to suit my ear, especially some of the left hand notes. (Mary) The music is very readable, repertoire is superb. Tunes are divided into these categories:  Sweden Connection, Dr. John Turner, John Playford, Tom Anderson, Music of Christmas.

Tunes include:

Alasdair Fraser/Caluim Sgaire  
Annas Vista  Leif Gorás
Ballydesmond Polka  
Battle Cry of Munster, Air  
Battle Cry of Munster, March  
Brave Wolfe  
Brave Wolfe – Lyrics  
Breton Dance  
Caluim Sgaire  
Casadh an tSugain (Twisting of the Hayrope)  
Christmas Eve Air  
Christmas Hornpipe  
Coilsfield House  
Coilsfield House and Neil Gow  
Colyn Fischer’s Style  
Da Slockit Light  
Don Oiche Ud I mBeithil (That Night in Bethlehem)  
Don Oiche Ud I mBeithil (That Night in Bethlehem) – Lyrics  
Fingal’s Cave  
Fingal’s Cave  John Gow
Gelding of the Devil  
Green Gates  
Ha a Chaillich air mo dheidh (My Old Wife Haunts After Me)  
Ian S. Robertson  
Jack’s Maggot  
James Scott Skinner  
Joesfin’s Waltz  Roger Tollroth
John Turner’s Lament for the Death of His Wife  
Josiah Chowning’s Strathspey  
Knocknaboul Polka  
Little Black Rose (an Roisin Dubh)  
Little Pet and It’s Mother  
MacPherson’s Lament  
MacPherson’s Lament – Lyrics  
Major Graham of Inchbrakie  
Maurice Manley’s Polka  
Morag of Dunvegan  
Morag of Dunvegan and the Legend of the Fairy Flag  
My Love She’s But a Lassie Yet  
My Love She’s But a Lassie Yet – Lyrics  
O Come, Divine Messiah  
O Come, Divine Messiah – Lyrics  
O’ A’ the Arts’  
On the Cold Ground  
Planxty Gan Ainm  
Planxty Hewlett  
Playford Medley  
Robert Burns – O’ A’ the Airts  
Sitting in the Stern of the Boat  
The Auld Resting Chair  
The Bog Blossom  
The Burn by the Barn  
The Golden Thread  
The Laird o’ Thrums  
The Little Red Lark  
The Little Red Lark – Lyrics  
The Outlander’s Regret He’s Not Scottish  
The Rose Tree  
Twisting of the Hayrope – Story  
Wallom Green

Additional information

Weight0.57 lbs
Dimensions12 × 9 × 0.25 in

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