A collection of tunes popular with some Christian traditions, written specifically for 22 string lap harp. May also be comfortably played on 26 string harp, such as the Dusty Strings Allegro and FH-26. No lever changes, all songs are in two versions, key of C and key of G. Hymn words and some histories are included. The software Personal Composer was used to typeset all the music. 68 pages. INTERMEDIATE ALL HARPS, ALSO SUITABLE FOR SMALL HARP WITH NO LEVERS
Table of Contents:
All Creatures of Our God and King, Amazing Grace, Christ the Lord is Risen Today, Count Your Blessings, Fairest Lord Jesus, For the Beauty of the Earth, The Great Physician, He Leadeth Me, Hymn to Joy, I Surrender All, It Is Well With My Soul, Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross, My Faith Looks Up to Thee, My Jesus I Love Thee, O My Soul, Bless God the Father (arranged by Mary Radspinner), O Worship the King, On Jordan’s Stormy Banks, Rise Up O Men of God, Simple Gifts, Sweet Hour of Prayer, This is My Father’s World, We Gather Together.